Monday, March 7, 2011

More from Scott's travels in Nepal

Yesterday, Sunday, was a walking tour of the area south of Thamel – down to Darbur Square and places south of that. I am getting used to the way the maps in Lonely Planet correspond to the actual world so I did not have as much difficulty getting to my destinations as I did the day and night before. This city is chock-a-block with holy sites, shrines and temples. They are integrated right into the city life with many people setting up there shops right on the temple steps or inside the shrine gate. I have always been leery of  the dangerous liaison between religion and politics and now I begin to appreciate the unholy alliance of religion and commerce. So much faith expression is tied to making a buck.

Of special and dangerous interest are the many carvings on many of the Hindu temples in Kathmandu . They are the type that should embarrass a good Presbyterian minister. But I have always maintained that I am not a good Presbyterian minister so I took loads of photos for my religious studies course back back home. Nobody at home will ever be allowed to see these pictures.

Today, Monday, March 7th was a much more spiritual emphasis. I had planned to be out to Child Haven in the mid-morning and called Arjun, the director, to confirm that this would be a good time. But then I met up with Sudesh again and the day moved in Sudesh mode. There were many things to be done first – people to see – projects to administer – lunches to eat and I was introduced to Kathamndu traffic clotting so we actually didn’t get out to the orphanage until about 2:30. Other staff showed me around as Arjun had to be at other meetings through the afternoon. I will try to connect with him again later in the week.

After Child Haven Sudesh dropped me off a few hundred meters from Boudnath Stupa with a few jokes about my slim chances of making it home before dark. I walked the distance into the holy site and make a circumnavigation of the shrine and again spinning the prayer wheels and meditating as I went around. I am not of this faith but just like in Spain I feel a spiritual richness when in the presence of others who experience spiritual depths in their rituals.

From Boudnath I walked a few kilometers over to Pashputinath, a Hindu holy site. It was not so moving – mostly because of the build-up of sellers and hawkers surrounding the temple. I was also required to pay a hefty “donation” in order to enter the inner section. I’m at least a good enough Presbyterian to refrain from that.

I made it home with little trouble by taxi and arranged to take a trip to Chitwan National Park and Pokhara tomorrow.


  1. Wow - sounds wonderful. Glad you are getting around okay. I want to see all your pictures so keep snapping. Thinking of you - may you find strength on your journey.....

  2. .... and the day moved into Sudesh mode! Oh, man, you were caught!! Glad you were able to go with the flow and enjoy the ride!!! Sounds like you are having a creative and spiritually enjoyable ride. Please spin a few prayers for me if you are near a Buddhist temple again!
